Gear & Software
"Her prompter was too small to read!"
"He couldn't mount on our jib!"
"Script changes on their iPad took WAY too much time!"
These common quotes above highlight the importance of hiring a professional teleprompter operator with pro gear vs. a side-hustle iPad amateur.
TorontoTeleprompt uses professional teleprompter equipment because when the camera rolls... the gear just has to work!
Another great way to put it...DON'T BRING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT!
Scroll down for more gear and software info... Or click here for shots of gear in action!
*Backup only used for onsite technical issues. See ratesheet for more details.
DOP Kevin has the 15" display on a dolly.
DOP Nigel with the 15" in the TSN Studios.
Hardware Highlights: NEW Wireless Teleprompting!
Wireless iPad teleprompting sounds like a good idea... until you actually use it in the field! Inferior and unreliable are how I'd describe most apps I've tried. 👎
A laptop with precise script control, allowing for remote changes away from the camera is still the way to go! So I figured out a better wireless solution that keeps a reliable laptop with pro software in the mix!
The new "Wireless Video" Option transmits the laptop signal wirelessly to our monitors, and/or our new 12.9" iPad Pro display! That's a 1080p60 signal up to 400 feet* line of sight!
Use this option anywhere cables might be an issue (handheld walk & talk segments, dolly moves, jib shots).
Pro tip: Make sure your prompter op has precise control of the script, and can make changes remotely away from the camera/iPad. There are better, more professional ways to prompt with an iPad!
*Signal strength may vary by location/environment. Not recommended for 'live shoots'.
See ratesheet for more details.
Receiving laptop signal on the 'Eyebrow Prompter'!!
Hardware Highlights: No Power? No Problem!
Shooting outdoors or somewhere that power might be an issue? Then the "Off-Grid" Power Option is for you!
This option includes a 550Wh lithium-ion powerpack (similar to ones found in electric car batteries!) that provides up to 10 hours* of independent power.
A 500W car inverter is also part of the "Off-Grid" Power package.
*Extreme temps can affect performance. See ratesheet for more details.
Mobile prompting using our own "Off-Grid" power!
Hardware Highlights: NEW 15mm LWS rod-mount system!*
- This lightweight & portable wireless prompting option is also robust & versatile! Solid option for walk & talks etc.
- Compatible with YOUR existing 15mm LWS dual rod system
- Adjustable top flag and 1 x filter
- No vignetting with focal length ≥22mm
*Lenses must be 49mm to 95mm, internal focus. Prep-day is HIGHLY recommended!
15mm LWS rod-mount system
Hardware Highlights: 7" LCD 'Eyebrow Prompter'
The above-lens 'eyebrow prompter' is a very light-weight teleprompting solution (no glass). Because it's mounted to the camera handle and positioned above-lens, it also shouldn't interfere with matte boxes and focus gear.*
Even though the monitor is positioned just above-lens, it still looks like the talent is looking DIRECT to-camera! Used with the "Wireless Option" for handheld shots or jib work. Many of the big shows use this type of prompting.
*Prep/test day is required with this setup. See ratesheet for more details.
Handheld 'Eyebrow Prompter' setup on a Movi gimbal.
Hardware Highlights: 12" High-Bright Prompter
- Smaller displays help limit eye movement when talent is closer to camera
- 12" lcd is lighter weight for smaller tripods
- Can easily convert to "freestanding" display
- 12" & 15" high-bright is 1000 NITS! (Regular lcds are 300 NITS)
- "Tab grabber" option available for iPad mounting
- Professional mounting system can accommodate small or large format cameras
- Legible up to 15 feet away with the 15" high-bright
- 12" lcd is lighter weight for smaller tripods
- Can easily convert to "freestanding" display
- 12" & 15" high-bright is 1000 NITS! (Regular lcds are 300 NITS)
- "Tab grabber" option available for iPad mounting
- Professional mounting system can accommodate small or large format cameras
- Legible up to 15 feet away with the 15" high-bright
12" High-Bright System
15" High-Bright System
Hardware Highlights: 17" & 19" High-Bright Prompters
- Designed for outdoor or studio shoots.
- High-brightness backlight ensures that text is always clear and legible, even in sunlight!
- Over 1000 NITS brightness (regular lcds are 300 NITS)
- Can accommodate small or large format cameras
- Robust, professional, versatile hardware
- Can mount with camera on tripod or be 'freestanding' on own stand in front of lens
- Trapezoidal glass on the 19" makes reading from an angle much easier.
- Readable up to 21 feet away with the 19"!
- Pro tip: Make sure your prompter op uses high-brightness monitors that are much easier for talent to read. Cheaper lcd monitors aren't bright enough to compete with bright studio lights or use outdoors.
17" High-Bright System
19" High-Bright System
Hardware Highlights: Freestanding Prompters
Most displays easily convert to freestanding teleprompters. This makes the setup even more versatile! Reasons for "going freestanding" can include:
These pictures show 2 different types of freestanding teleprompters; one with glass and one without. Your shoot specifics will determine which prompter setup to use. Pro tip: Check if your prompter op has versatile gear that covers multiple shoot scenarios. You need to be ready when things change on the day!
- Tripod not sturdy enough to handle extra prompter weight
- Locked off shot, so no need to mount on the tripod head
- Script too long to memorize, so we can "fake the eyelines" with lcd monitors over opposite shoulders
- Can "fake an interview" and put the prompter with scrolling interview answers beside the camera
These pictures show 2 different types of freestanding teleprompters; one with glass and one without. Your shoot specifics will determine which prompter setup to use. Pro tip: Check if your prompter op has versatile gear that covers multiple shoot scenarios. You need to be ready when things change on the day!
Over-Shoulder Freestanding LCD for Actors
Beside-Camera Interview Teleprompter
Hardware Highlights: Interrotron Teleprompters
Interrotron teleprompting was created by film director Errol Morris because he wanted his interview subjects to look at the camera when he interviewed them, and not off-camera where he was sitting.
Full Interrotron*: 2 cameras and 2 prompters cross-feed the director's and talent's images to opposite screens. This allows participants to look directly at each other while still looking at the camera lens.
Interrotron-light*: 2 cameras, 1 prompter and 1 monitor. The director's face appears on the talent's teleprompter so they're looking at the lens (1st pic). The director's side isn't recorded and eyeline is less important, so the talent's face appears on a monitor just below the camera lens (2nd pic).
Both setups give very impressive results!
*Prep/test day highly recommended for Interrotron, as it requires interfacing between your cameras and our gear. See ratesheet for more details.
Through-lens Interrotron Teleprompter
Below-lens Interrotron Teleprompter
Software Highlights: TeleScript AV™
We proudly use industry-standard TeleScript AV™. Some use cheaper (or even free) software... But let's just say there's a difference between a $15 app and software costing thousands of dollars like we use! As with all things, you get what you pay for.
Pro Tip: Ask what software your prompter op is using. Cheap software could be hazardous to your production!
"Live-Show" teleprompting now available for live broadcasts/webcasts! A main and backup computers both run your script in-tandem, so we can immediately switch to the backup if there's a problem with the main. It's a great option now that more and more companies are having online announcements and functions.
It's teleprompting with a safety net!
"Murdoch talk show" with the cast
"Live-show" teleprompting with confidence monitor
Biggest "PRO TIP" of them all!
Make sure your prompter operator has BACKUP EQUIPMENT!* Backup computers and displays have saved the day and the shoot many, many times for me! And remember... not everyone offers or brings backup!
Backup gear is your 'teleprompting insurance policy' to help ensure your job goes smoothly. And if you've ever been on a shoot where the wheels have fallen off for some unexpected reason... you'll understand why that peace of mind is priceless.
*Backup only used for onsite technical issues. See ratesheet for more details.
DOP Roy checks framing with the 15" display.