The 3 W's & FAQ
What is teleprompting?
Teleprompting is basically like using ‘electronic cue-cards’. It allows you to read the script, while still looking directly into the camera lens.
The speech scrolls on a laptop and is projected onto a horizontal screen, reflecting (reversed) onto high-quality glass that the camera shoots through.
Teleprompting does away with memorization, and lets talent focus on performance.
Teleprompting does away with memorization, and lets talent focus on performance.
Why use a teleprompter?
Teleprompters save you time, money and most importantly... aggravation!
Save time by cutting down on the number of 'takes' to get it right.
Save money by turning what would have been a full-day shoot into a half-day.
Save aggravation because more gets done with less stress when the script is being delivered properly and concisely to camera.
Who should you trust?
Some people think teleprompting is easy. Think again! A skilled operator can ease a jittery executive's nerves or help calm green talent. We can offer suggestions to make the delivery sound and feel more natural... but we also know when to remain quiet on set.
There's a trust that develops between the speaker and operator. They become confident their lines will be there when they need it.
There's a trust that develops between the speaker and operator. They become confident their lines will be there when they need it.
Who should you trust your teleprompting to? I'm just a click away!
Prompting for Mayor John Tory for "Toronto Vaccine Day"
Prompting for Olympic gold medalist Andre De Grasse
Teleprompting FAQ...
How do you control the script speed? (Important info here)Some lower-end programs make you set one speed that the talent has to try to match. This is just WRONG. The teleprompter program (or operator) should NEVER 'lead' the talent. Instead, the operator should follow the talent's pace... speeding up and slowing down to match their cadence. The person on camera drives the bus so to speak, and should never be pushed or dragged by the teleprompter.
How much time do you need to set up?
Setup time depends on the scenario. Is it a tripod-mount... jib-mount... freestanding? How many displays? Do you need wireless? A good rule of thumb for a basic setup is to make the prompter calltime approx. 60 minutes before you want to roll.
How do you need the script provided?The 'stripped down' script should be dialogue only and provided as a word document (.docx or .rtf). No graphics, no columns, no headers or footers... just dialogue and any directions the talent needs to see on the prompter.
When do you need the script by?Please provide the script at least a day before the shoot. This allows time to format and pre-load it to the teleprompter, and make sure there are no issues. This pre-load and testing is included in the rate.
Can you make quick changes when onsite?Changes can definitely be made onsite... even while we're scrolling! (though that's not recommended).
What size teleprompter do you use?We have MANY teleprompter sizes for different applications/distances from camera. The most appropriate one will be brought after discussing your shoot specifics.
Do you charge a cancellation fee?
Holding your shoot day most likely means turning down other requests for the same day. Therefore, there is a cancellation fee for cancelling OR rescheduling firm bookings within a certain window of your shoot. Please see ratesheet for terms & details.